Sunday, May 11, 2008

Crash is coming :: update four

Well the nurse said that everything is going really well except for the timing of the contractions. They are sending us out to get some food + to walk around. We aren't really sure about what is next. We could be back in the hospital in a couple of hours or it could be that the baby doesn't come today. We aren't too disappointed though because everything else is going really well + she said Crash is doing "stellar". Lots of movement and variation! So we are on hold for now. We will update when we know more! We love you guys!


Chris & Lyndsey Hornbrook said...

This is so stinkin' exciting, we can't hardly peel ourselves away from the computer!!! We wish so badly we could be there!
Love the 3 of you and Kisby...
Chris, Lynz, little Hornbrook, and Jazz

Dawn said...

We are praying for all three of you and we love that little baby already!!! Can't wait to hear more.
Hugs, Felix, Dawn, Megan & Ava