Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On the Road to Cali :: Day 2

I am writing this entry from our hotel room in Albuquerque, New Mexico after just enjoying some Panda Express. This morning started off a little rough. Oklahoma struck again. Even though we were staying the night on a main Interstate, my cell phone spent the whole night searching for signal + was completely dead by morning which wouldn't have been a problem except that I had it set as our alarm clock! We ended up waking up at 7:45am...not too bad, but a later start than we wanted to get. I had originally had the goal to get to Albuquerque by the end of day 2. This seemed like a stretch given our late start. The day went much better than day 1 except for being sunny + very hot all through Texas. Dad + I both felt a lot less exhausted by the time we stopped for the night. Kisbey even did better, getting used to the routine of being on the road for 10 hours. Coming into New Mexico and seeing mountains and trees, it was such a nice change of scenery from the flat, hot, middle-of-nowhere desert. Tomorrow we will be heading west through New Mexico into Arizona with the goal of getting as close to the California border as possible...Yuma, Arizona would be nice, but that might be a stretch. Guess you'll have to check in for the day 3 post. Good night from Albuquerque.

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