Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Josiah meets his new Chula Vista Pediatrician

One HUGE thing accomplished finally, we have found an excellent pediatrician at Sharp Hospital. His name is Dr. Johnson and he happened to have attended Medical School at the University of Illinois which was why we decided to schedule a consultation appointment with him. He is such a gentle and fun doctor! We had lots to chat about and he was quite entertained by Josiah. And on top of it all, he said that he would like to come check out the church probably on our quickly approaching launch date for church. And I am quite relieved to have finally gotten this checked off our still too long to-do list.

And our not-so-little little boy weighed in at 18 pounds 11 ounces, 27 inches long and 17 cm head circumference. Dr. Johnson says he's a perfect cube because he's in the 90th percentile in all three measurements! No wonder my back is sore... He also got 4 immunization shots and got a slight fever as a result which he's struggling through today. On the plus side, he's quite cuddley as a result.

This picture is a few days old, but still a good demonstration of how much he's grown, and how much he enjoys his bumbo seat!


Linda Fletcher said...

Brad and Katie,
He is growing and changing so fast - but not before OUR eyes! Thank you so much for continuing to keep us updated through the blog. It means so much to those of us who are separated by the distance. Good going Josiah - you're such a big boy!! Beautiful, beautiful boy!! We love you all so much!

dennisS said...

I want a bumbo seat.
Looking good J. Love you, Geezer D

Michelle M. said...

Oh my he is SO cute!! finding a Dr. is such a har task!! And somtimes Nurses who answer the phone are not as nice as you would expect! :(
We've been doing the same thing trying to get ready for Feb.

cuddling is fun!