Monday, November 17, 2008

And... we're back!

It's the same old story, things have gotten busy and we've lost track of time. The blog has fallen behind and we haven't been good about getting things up. We're sorry! We promise we will do better at updating the blog more regularly as we get used to the new additions to our schedule. But for now... we have uploaded more pics to flickr so make sure you click on that link to check things out. Such as... date night at the beach, Josiah's first encounter with rice cereal (still working on that one), and a few others you may not have seen yet. A few points of update on Josiah to hold off the withdrawl until we fill in more details:
1. Josiah still isn't all that interested in rice cereal, so we're going to be trying new methods.
2. No teeth yet, but we're thinking soon!
3. He really enjoys sitting up on his own, but doesn't have enough balance control to keep himself up once he reaches for something, so we practice sitting together. It's cute!
4. He still enjoys rolling around and is doing a great job at reaching for things.
5. When I reach out my hands to him, he reaches for my hands so that I can pull him into a sitting position. Very smart!
6. He has said his official first word! Mama! And we're pretty sure he knows what he's saying too because he looks for me where I'm "supposed" to be when he says it... sometimes.
7. He is officially 6 months old now and has his next appointment on December 1st, more shots though. :(

A quick update on Kisbey, she's made a new friend! Jake, who lives down the sidewalk from us, is an Australian Shepard puppy with lots of energy to match Kisbey's. Every time we take her outside to take out trash, get the mail, or for her bathroom break, she tries to take off to Jake's house!

And finally a quick update on the 2 of us.... Brad is still telecommuting to the U of I, but he's also pursuing photography and has an incredible eye for it! He and Lyndsey are working together to gain some clients, and in the meanwhile they are enjoying practicing on our friends and families. I'm working hard with Chase and Andrea in Kids' City, overseeing the birth thru pre-k kiddos coming to Momentum. Brad's taking on some new leadership roles in the church and the entire experience has been really growing for both of us.

So hope that's satisfying for now. We'll do better with getting the updates up more frequently!


Steph Cummings said...

You know...I really don't think he liked his rice cereal. =)

My favorite part was the rice cereal waterfall!

MaestraBenefield said...

try mixing in a little hot sauce or garlic. That's what we do for Ethan. He loves it. I think it's just so flavorless plain...

brad + katie said...

hot sauce or garlic? wow! i never would have thought of that!

Jeff Fletcher said...

Cute picture of Josiah...I love the hat! We are looking foward to seeing you guys (and the WARM WEATHER) in February.