Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On the Road to Cali :: Day 1

I am writing this from Okemah, Oklahoma. I would love to comment on Oklahoma but as my mom always told me, "if you can't say something nice about a state, don't say anything at all." Wow, what a long day. We got a little head start last night + put in a full day today. Kisbey did really well riding on the floor of the truck, but at one point jumped into my lap and refused to leave. I think she was missing me after we went into a Walmart without her. It's hard to believe we have 3 more days ahead of us, but we are just going to take it one day at a time. Well I am signing off from my kinda scary hotel room in the middle of nowhere (but hey, at least it has wi-fi)...good night

1 comment:

dennisS said...

Drive careful! Wave at the Southwest for me as you go by. I love that area.