Monday, March 31, 2008

Baby Shower

What an amazing shower! It was such a blessing to be surrounded by so many friends and family that love us and Crash so much already! The shower was really a spectacular experience with great food and fun (not cheesy) games and the gifts were really exceptional and again, just a great blessing to us. It's amazing how much "stuf" a baby needs, even before they are born! :) We did our first 2 loads of baby laundry with baby laundry soap (thanks Michelle) and are quite excited to get a mattress for the crib so we can really get the nursery looking closer to complete. And we folded the little onsies and gowns and hooded towels and socks and caps this morning and got even more excited about the coming soon arrival of little Crash! Brad can't wait to put the little stocking hats on Crash and we're both pretty thrilled with little socks!

Thanks to mom and Brittany for throwing/hosting such a fantastic shower! And thanks also to Linda, Debbie and Val for help with food and extra chairs! I can't think of a moment I didn't absolutely love! And it was so wonderful for me to have Brad there taking pictures and enjoying the afternoon as well.

Make sure to check out the pictures. Brad really enjoyed the camera and actually cut the total picture number down from 491! He's such an enthusiastic photographer!

Click here for baby shower photos