Friday, May 2, 2008

Okay Crash...Time to Come Out!

Well, May 1st has come and gone.... sigh. I can't say that I'm feeling overdue necessarily, but I definitely am getting impatient to finally meet Crash! I am tired a lot, and still spending much of my days with my feet up to reduce the swelling, but Brad and I spend all of our time day dreaming of the excitement of having our little one in our arms! We keep talking about names (can't quite nail down a boy name) and getting teary eyed over the tiny socks in the nursery. We talk about how we will introduce Crash to Kisbey when we come home from the hospital. I have had many dreams about labor and delivery and then holding our baby (last night I dreamt we had twins!) and we are reading over and over our books both to prepare and educate, and to keep ourselves busy until it becomes a hands on learning experience. We are very excited for this child to come into the world! Crash, who certainly must take after his/her daddy, is still very active and we keep telling her/him that if he/she would just come out, there'd be so much more room to move around! (And mommy could be more comfortable in the meanwhile) I tell Brad that I would really like to be a mom for Mother's Day this year, and not an "almost mom." So stay tuned! We're hoping to meet our first child before next weekend! Tonight would be okay too!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Nephew Nolan Born April 29, 2008

Melissa + Gary were due right around the same time as us so there was a race to see who would be born first between little Nolan + Crash. Looks like Crash will get runner up. Nolan Fletcher Stein was born Tuesday, weighing 7lbs 8oz + was 19in 48cm long. Melissa was induced early Tuesday morning and Nolan was out by 5:38pm CST. Congrats to Gary + Melissa! We are so happy for you guys! And welcome to the world to baby Nolan! Hopefully Crash will be joining his/her cousin soon!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Car Seat Update

Yay! We got our car seat in at the end of last week. Yay! And Brad finished gathering his things for our bags for the hospital, so I think we're finally ready with the technical details. Did you hear that Crash? You can come now!