Saturday, September 20, 2008

Josiah Rolls Over for the 1st Time!

At 4 months + 8 days Josiah rolled over for the first time! We put the camera on him just to see if he would do it again and after about 5 minutes of recording he finally did! So...technically what you are seeing is Josiah rolling over for the 2nd time. Its still good though.

Monday, September 15, 2008

AMC _Day 1

momentum christian church is officially in the theater + what an awesome first day it was! portable church is hard work...and we didn't even have to worry about setting up a stage or screen! there were about a dozen cases on wheels that we rolled off a trailer containing everything from the sound board to the drum kit to the kids toys. it took every bit of 2 hours to unload + set it all up, which included us tripping the circuit breaker more times than you can count on one hand. the theme of these four weeks before we launch is "can you see it?"...envisioning something that is not yet there. our launch team took up only one full row of seats. as we turned around + look out over all the empty seats, we realized that each of those seats is a story of someone coming into a relationship with Jesus + waking up to life. it was a powerful, humbling experience that we are so excited to be a part of. please continue to pray for the Gospel to take hold in the city of Chula Vista, California as we continue to simply live out the mission of the church: loving God + loving people.

check out pics from the day

Return to Champaign

Katie, Josiah, and I had an awesome first trip back to Champaign! The main reason for being back was Ben + Amy's wedding. In addition, we got to see lots of family + friends, Josiah met his cousins Megan + Ava, and I got to dust off the camera for the wedding + a family photo shoot. One of our favorite moments of the week was when Josiah wouldn't stop laughing at Wrigley, Mom + Jeff's mini Australian Shepherd. That was the most he has ever laughed by far!! The wedding was really nice + I was able to get a few good shots. I posted links to the different albums below.

Josiah + Ava
Family Photo Shoot
Ben + Amy's Rehersal
Ben + Amy's Wedding
Ben + Amy's Reception